스크랩, 파이낸셜타임즈 + 런던디자인페스티발 토크

9월 말 런던디자인페스티발 행사 기간 동안 V&A에서 열린 토크 프로그램의 동영상입니다. 파이낸셜타임즈와 런던디자인페스티발이 공동 주관한 이 행사는 불황, 사회적 책임 등 올해 대두된 주요한 글로벌 이슈들과 디자인의 관계를 다뤘고, 총 다섯 회로 나뉘어 진행되었습니다.

Financial Times and the London Design Festival – Business of Design – responses to the recession 21.09.2009 from Jonathan Pawley on Vimeo.

Miguel Fluxa Orti – Vice President Camper
Rolf Sachs – Designer
Doreen Lorenzo – President Frog Design
Geoffroy de la Bourdonnaye – CEO Liberty plc.

Financial Times and the London Design Festival – Responsible Design from Jonathan Pawley on Vimeo.

Oscar Pena – Creative Director of Lighting, Phillips
Thomas Bergmark – Global Sustainability Manager, IKEA
Alfonso Albaisa – Vice President, Nissan Design Europe

Financial Times and the London Design Festival – New Frontiers – 23.09.2009 from Jonathan Pawley on Vimeo.

Maurizio Ribotti – MD, Design Partners (Milan)
Yang Ling Duan – 100% Design Shanghai
Paravi Wongchirachai – Deputy MD & Cheif Curator TCDC (Bangkok)
Caroline Muzi – Design Journalist, Clarin (Argentina)

Financial Times and the London Design Festival – Evolving Architecture – 24.09.2009 from Jonathan Pawley on Vimeo.


David Glover – Global Property Leader, Arup
Ricky Burdett – Professor of Architecture and Urbanism, LSE
James Sellar – Chief Executive, Seller Developments
Amanda Levete – Amanda Levete Architects

Financial Times and the London Design Festival – Design in Adversity – 25.09.2009 from Jonathan Pawley on Vimeo.

Tom Dixon – Designer
Jaime Hayon – Artist/Designer
Deyan Sudjic – Director, Design Museum
Nigel Carrington – Rector, University of the Arts, London

via Jonathan Pawley


Yoonho Choi

independent researcher in design, media, and locality & working as a technology evangelist in both design and media industries

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