프레시웨스트 디자인Freshwest Design, 욕실용 캐비닛

욕실용 캐비닛 * Source: Freshwest Design, UK

영국의 남서해안에서 공방을 운영하면서 젊은이들의 취향에 맞춘 도자기와 금속 가구들을 만들어온 영국의 젊은 디자이너-메이커 그룹이 새 물건이 나왔다고 메일을 보내왔네요. 프레시웨스트 디자인Freshwest Design, 욕실용 캐비닛 더보기

! + impromptu: Sangyong Choi’s metalwork exhibition

Sangyong Choi
Sangyong Choi

! + impromptu

by Sangyong Choi

The term ‘impromptu’ is a form of classical music that consists of sudden musical inspiration of its composer. It is also known as a sort of ‘character piece’ which means ‘improvised performing’; however, the ‘impromptu’ does not always follow its ‘impromptu’ic form as performed based on a fixed score, rather than that ‘everything is sudden.’

Schubert’s <op.90,42> and Chopin’s <op.26,36,51,66> are typical.

(*translation: Yoonho Choi)

This ‘Metalman(as called by himself)’s solo show will take placed on 16 July till 29 in 2008, at the Topo House 2’s ground floor gallery in Insa-dong, Seoul. Its opening reception will be held at 6pm on the first day.

Drop of Color

line drop / 선
_ 18k yellow gold, topaz, epozy

장신구 디자이너 박수연씨의 첫번째 개인전

2003. 9. 18(수) – 24
가인로 갤러리 (압구정동 02-541-0647)

국민대 공예과 졸업
이태리 에우러뻬 인스티튜트, 귀금속보석디자인전공
귀금속장신구디자이너로 활동
건국대, 부천대에서 강의

@금속공예가 전용일 웹사이트에서 옮김